The Spectre #4 – July/August 2011


*Latin American Solidarity Raffle*

  • HidroAysen / Patagonia’s Wild Rivers at Risk
  • Statement of the Convergence  against the Chilean Government’s Student Educational Reforms
  • The Students are Revolting
  • From Cartegena to Tegucigalpa
  • EZLN Communique
  • Declaration of the Continental Meeting of the Peoples of Abya Yala for Water and the Pachamamma
  • Ecuador: The Construction of a New Model of Domination
  • The Audacity of Free Trade Agreements
  • What is IIRSA?*
  • July 22: International Day Against Multinational Corporations


Full Resolution PDF (36.69 mb)

Low Resolution PDF (13.06 mb)

*Edit (14/08/11):  We have decided to replace Colombia’s Indigenous Communities Demand Demilitarization as Fighting Escalates with  What is IIRSA?, apologies.

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El Fantasma #2.5


[2] Defensa Mapuche de Frente y Represión Policial en Territorio Mapuche de Xapilhue y Maquewe
[3] Comunidades en Conflicto de Puelmapu Denuncian Agresiones y Reafirman su Resistencia
[5] Por la Libertad de los (AS) Presos Políticos Mapuche, Juicios Justos sin ley Antiterrorista y Nulidad del Juicio de Cañete
[6] Pronunciamiento Internacional: Libertad a los Presos Políticos Mapuche
[8] La Historia de Pemulwuy un Líder de Resistencia Indígena de Australia
[9] Amenazas, Hostigamientos y Agresiones Contra Dirigentes Sindicales de Sintracarbón
[10] Por Tumbar al Fisco y a los Trabajadores Condenada Kraft Foods
[13] Gobierno Británico y ¿Derechos Humanos?: Comercio de Carbono Ensangrentado en Honduras
[13] Pueblos de la Moskitia Hondureña se Movilizan en Defensa de su Territorio
[15] Robo a los Desposeídos: Cuenta Regresiva para las Olimpíadas. O ¿para el Desalojo en Brasil?
[19] Comunicado del Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. México.
[21] La Guerra del México de Arriba
[26] La “Guerra de Baja Intensidad” contra la Autonomía (Parte IV y última)
[29] Declarión de Convergencia Estudiantil Frente a las Reformas Educacionales Impulsadas por el Gobierno
[33] Carbón para el Mundo, Miseria para la Guajira. ¿Que nos Pasa no Joda?
[34] Supertiendas Olimpica Explota Niños y Viola los Derechos Humanos.
[35] Declaración Pública:  Campaña Mundial Contra Coca Cola – !Para Que Cese la Violencia en Colombia¡

Descarga (pdf)

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The Spectre #3


Before The Invasion Arrived

Puelmapu Community in Conflict Report Assaults & Reaffirm Their Resistance

Sympathy For & Solidarity With Mapuche Political Prisoners

International Statement: Freedom For Mapuche Political Prisoners

A Tour of Dispossession & Resistance Through Mexico’s Indigenous Territories

Oswaldo Sevá: “The Offensive of Capital Against Indigenous People and Farmers is Global.”

Latin America & the US: Social Movements Are the Engines of Change

Plundering on the Eve of the World Cup and the Olympics; Rio de Janeiro: communities that don’t belong on postcards

2010: The Context & Importance of the Organisation of Popular Struggle (Extract)

Update On Honduras Coup, March 2011

Águilas Negras: Rising from the Ashes of Demobilization in Colombia

Extract -PAGUYUBAN PETANI LAHAN PANTAI (PPLP) KULON PROGO Position Paper (Shortened Version)

LASNET Events & Ongoing Campaigns

View &/or Download PDF here:

spectre 3 onscreen

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700 Special Police Force arrive at Kulon Progo

From Hidup Biasa

The people of Kulon Progo call for your international solidarity as they resist corporate greed and ecological destruction, please spread this information and act. More info + links to follow.

Thursday Morning, 24 February, mining corporation wants to re-open its office and operational sites which already been closed and destroyed by the peasants December last year. Failed.

Monday, 28 February, media noted that Jogja Magasa Iron and some Japanese investors failed to come.

Wednesday, 2 March, 9 cars with heavy arms police guard came to the pilot project for only 10 minutes.

Yesterday Morning, 7 March, 31 Police truck, 700 special police force (called Mobile Brigade), water cannon, detention car, police dogs, tear-gas, and heavy weapons came to the village…

Kulon Progo Self-organised Struggle Against Neoliberal Megaproject

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The Spectre #2 Feb-Mar 2011


  • Death Threat Against Union & Social Leaders in Bugulagrande; by SINALTRAINAL National Executive.
  • About the Wars: A Fragment of the First Letter From Subcomandante Marcos to Don Luis Villoro, Beginning the Correspondence About Ethics & Politics
  • Gabino Cue & Filipe Calderon repress the Teachers & People of Oaxaca; By VOCAL
  • The Murdered Women of Juarez; by Laura Carlsen
  • State Terrorism & Public Insecurity Stocks Police in Rio de Janeiro; By FARJ
  • Janaury 2011 Honduras Coup Update; By Rosanna Wong
  • Kulon Progo Update; By SAKSI
  • The First Aboriginal Resistance Leader: Pemulwuy; By Malcolm Tulloch
  • On the Application of Anti-Terrorism Legislation to Mapuche Minors
  • Workers Strike at Pascua Lama Mine
  • Interview with Paola Periera From Brazil’s MST; By Kurt Wilkens
  • Chixoy Dam Reparations & Compensation Campaign: 30 Years & Counting; By Grahame Russell


Download the Spectre 2 in pdf

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Papua’s Burden: Chronology of Repression 2010

Via Hidup Biasa:

In West Papua, the culture of violent repression of social movements continues in a way where it seems that little has changed since the Suharto era of 1965-1998.  Here we present a short summary of some of the incidents which happened during 2010, with the aim of illustrating the spectrum of tactics which the state uses to ensure continuing chaos and control.  Killings are common, but repression also takes the forms of arrests and interrogation, forming front organisations with the aim of disruption, attacking demonstrations, banning books, banning foreign journalists and ngos, harassing Papua journalists, cruel treatment of prisoners, excessive prison sentences, village burnings and sweeping operations which force the people to flee in terror.

These brief reports have been compiled from a range of media sources.  The plight of the Papuan people was once frequently described as an unknown tragedy, but in the last years the increasingly dynamic movements there have been making great attempts to tell the real stories of what is going on there, overcoming the obstacles of geographical isolation and the military/police repression of free communication.  Aware of the need for international solidarity, much information is translated into English. One accessible source of news from Papua is West Papua Media Alerts, Read and act.

Chronology 2010.

January 2010. The Attorney General’s office bans 20 books in Papua, including Hak Asasi Masyarakat Adat, a translation of the un declaration on the rights of indigenous people.

29 January 2010. Research from Universitas Indonesia reveals that Indonesian military personnel at all ranks remain directly involved in illegal logging in Papua.

March 11 2010. Human rights activist Sebby Sambom and his family are forced into hiding after sustained death threats and intimidation from Indonesian intelligence officials.

March 17 2010. Pastor Gire Kindeman shot dead by police in Tingginambut, Puncak Jaya.  The same soldiers that night surrounded a traditional meeting house.  Thirteen people were sleeping there.  All were captured and tortured with bayonets and all were killed.

March 22 2010. Military shoot into mother Enditi Tabuni’s house as she sleeps, causing serious injury to her legs.

March 22 2010. Police arrest 15 people taking part in a protest related to Barrack Obama’s planned visit.  The organisers had applied for permission to demonstrate but the police claimed that since Obama’s visit was postponed the issues had been changed.

March 23 2010. Indonesian military announce their intention to deploy an extra 4 battalions (around 4000 troops) to Papua.

6 April 2010. The Indonesian Human Rights Commission, Komnas ham, visit Abepura prison and demand the removal of prison chief Ayorbaba, claiming there had been 20 incidents of human rights violations during the 2 years he was in charge.

7 April 2010. Biak news reports that the National Intelligence Bureau (bin), Kopassus and local military command start covert operations to create a false front organization to replace the East Biak Traditional Council, despite the fact that such a council already exists, formed by the people themselves.

16 April 2010. Mimika police detain 25 residents of Kwamki Lama village in a sweeping operation after a man is seriously injured in an arrow attack.

22 April 2010. Militarised police brigades Brimob and Dalmas attack a demonstration in Manokwari, arresting 20 of the 700 participants.

17 May 2010. Military attack a purported base of the Papuan Independence Organization (opm) near Goburuk village, Puncak Jaya, killing one person.

26 May 2010. Two French journalists are expelled from West Papua after they filmed a peaceful demonstration in Jayapura.

27 May 2010. Amnesty International releases its 2009 report in which it claims that out of 114 people arrested in Indonesia in 2009 for public statements or demonstrations of dissent.  “…the overwhelming majority were peaceful political activists who were sentenced to terms of imprisonment for raising prohibited pro-independence flags in Maluku or Papua.”

1 June 2010. Indonesian military stormed several villages in the Jambi Sinak Ilu and Tingginambut districts of Mulia.  Weapons used were rockets, bazookas and grenades.  Seven people are confirmed dead.

4 June 2010. A rally by Dewan Adat Papua (Papuan Traditional Council) complaining about violence and the spread of alcohol was stopped from taking place when 50 police in trucks blocked the participants from arriving at the location.

11 June 2010. Brimob conduct a sweeping operation on all houses on the road from Ilu to Mulia, detaining anyone without proper identification.  This is part of a wider sweeping operation in Puncak Jaya district, which has forced thousands of people into the forest in fear.  Other reports connected to this in June include residents being forced to work for the military, clearing their gardens to make landing strips for helicopters in Pos Nalime Tingginambut, and the rape of a pregnant woman by Brimob.

9 July 2010. As people surround the Papuan parliament in the largest demonstration since the fall of Suharto, Jayapura police chief, Imam Setiawan, tells the BBC that they are ready to disperse the demonstration with live ammunition if necessary.

9 July 2010. Police and military forces shot dead a tpn/opm (Free Papua Movement, lightly armed guerrilla movement) member in Kampung Jambi, Puncak Jaya.

11 July 2010. The Jakarta Globe reports that violence erupted in Abepura prison after guards beat up an inmate and stole his money.

24 July 2010. Victor Yeimo sentenced to one year in prison for ‘provocation’ for allegedly organising a demonstration on March 10 2009.

30 July 2010. Journalist and human rights defender Ardiansyah Matra’is is found dead in a river in Merauke, two days after he disappeared.  Police claim it was suicide, but the fact that two of his ribs were broken suggests violence.  Several local journalists report receiving threats via sms in the weeks before, believed to be connected to the mifee intensive agriculture project.

2 August 2010. Paramilitary police (Dalmas) violently disperse a demonstration in Manokwari.  One of the organisers is forced into hiding after he receives death threats from Indonesian military intelligence.

4 August 2010. Al Jazeera broadcasts a film of the last moments of Yawan Wayeni’s life, who was killed a year before.  Soldiers taunt him with racist abuse as he lies dying from gunshot wounds.

6 August 2010. Dutch ngo Cordaid is banned from operating in West Papua.

11 August 2010. Komnas ham calls on security forces to stop the military operation in Puncak Jaya region, which has been going on since 2004 and has seen dozens of people killed.

25 August 2010. The office of Dewan Adat Papua in Hubula, near Wamena is burnt down, just days before the scheduled opening of the building.

14 September 2010. After criticism forces anti-terror squad densus 88 to stop repressing popular movements in Maluku, their leader, General Tito Karnavian confirmed that they would continue to operate in Papua.

15 September 2010. Police shoot dead a priest and his son in Manokwari, and seriously injure the priest’s wife.

22 September 2010. Two knpb (West Papua National Committee) Wamena area activists are arrested.  They were distributing the call to action for a mass peaceful rally the next day.

4 October 2010. Three unarmed community guards are shot in Wamena, in a protest after their uniforms and Rp 40 million cash were stolen by the police at the airport.  Two of the victims were shot inside a police truck after they refused to get down.

5 October 2010. Papuan political prisoner Filep Karma starts a hunger strike because of the inadequate medical treatment being given to Papuan political prisoner, Fery (Ferdinand) Pakage who suffers from injuries inflicted when he was tortured in Abepura prison.  Karma himself has been denied medical treatment for nearly 2 years for a urology condition.

6 October 2010. Hundreds of military are deployed on the streets of West Papua to prevent people protesting the killings of the day before.

11 October 2010. Sixteen men in police uniforms burn 29 houses in Bigiragi village to the ground.  Two men walk for two days to report the destruction to Dewan Adat Papua.

16 October 2010. On the day that sorpatom is launched (network of people opposed to the mifee intensive agriculture project in Merauke), two of the organisations leaders are arrested and interrogated.

18 October 2010. A video is released which shows two men being tortured by the Indonesian Security forces as they are interrogated.  Methods of torture include a knife held to one man’s throat, and burning the genitals of another.

19 October 2010. Police arrest 7 people in connecting to a flag-raising action and dozens of people fell across the border into png fearing security forces.  The charges for raising the Papuan flag can result in 15 years in prison.

5 November 2010. Several websites of ngos and solidarity organisations that host the torture video are unavailable for days due to a Direct Denial of Service cyber attack.

9 November 2010. Secret documents leaked from Kopassus include an enemies list headed by Papua’s top Baptist minister and describe a covert network of surveillance, infiltration and disruption of Papuan institutions.

22 November 2010. Nine people are arrested for raising the Morning Star flag in Jayawijaya district.

2 December 2010. Asli Wenda and Elius Tabuni are shot in Bolakme village, Wamena.  All inhabitants of the village flee to the forest.

3 December 2010. Miron Wetipo is shot dead during an escape from Abepura prison.  The prisoners demand to speak to the military command responsible, and when this is denied, trouble breaks out in the prison. Filip Karma and Buchtar Tabuni, high profile prisoners who are blamed by the police as instigators are moved to police headquarters where they are denied food and water for several days, and also denied visitors.

4 December 2010. Human rights activist Sebby Sambon arrested in Jayapura on his way to a meeting with the Asian Human Rights Commission.

14 December 2010. Six students are arrested for raising the Papuan flag in Manokwari, as is a lawyer who was observing this action (the Papuan flag was explicitly made legal under the terms of the Papuan Special Autonomy agreement, but nevertheless it’s flying is regularly persecuted with prison terms of up to 15 years).

-translated and slightly expanded from the poster ‘Papua Memikul’

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Amenaza de Muerte contra Dirigentes sindicales y sociales en Bugalagrande

El día 17 de Febrero de 2011, en el municipio de Bugalagrande pareció un panfleto a nombre de AU ERPAC, amenazando a quienes califican como guerrilleros de las Farc y el ELN asociados en Sinaltrainal, Sintramunicipio y Acaceva.

Advierten que llegaron para poner el orden perdido desde la desmovilización de sus compañeros, a quienes el Estado arrodillado ante los serviles de la guerrilla a traicionado, que demostraran que no son una bandita de delincuentes como los señala los medios de comunicación, que son un ejército con todos los medios y la inteligencia para acabar con los perros comunistas y guerrilleros disfrazados de sindicatos, ONG, organizaciones sociales y quienes solapadamente apoyan a la guerrilla, haciéndose pasar por defensores de derechos humanos, dicen atender el clamor de los empresarios, campesinos y que actuaran contra quienes relacionan en el escrito y todo lo que denominan la basura social.

Justifican la amenaza de muerte, contra quienes  acusan de hacer daño a las empresas y la sociedad con las luchas obreras y preguntan de dónde sale la plata para financiar a los que se esconden en el monte diciendo que son el ejercito del pueblo, advierten que hablan en serio y ajusticiaran, entre otros a Fredy Sepúlveda, Martín Agudelo, Álvaro Varela y Rafael Esquivel, nombres que corresponden a dirigentes de Sinaltrainal que trabajan en Nestlé S.A.

Llama mucho la atención, que en la amenaza se hace referencia a los viajes al exterior, que coincide con las recientes giras de integrantes de Sinaltrainal a otros países, donde hemos estado denunciando los abusos cometidos por las empresas como Nestlé, Coca Cola, Sodexo, Kraft Foods, entre otras y es muy coincidente, con la información existe en los expedientes de los procesos que investiga los delitos cometidos por el DAS en el caso de las llamadas chuzadas, cuando se refieren a la estrategia ofensiva y la guerra política para contrarrestar la denuncia internacional de Sinaltrainal.

Es curioso que en el escrito dicen que “ sigan haciéndole trabajo a la guerrilla con la maquinaria y el combustible que paga el pueblo “, situación que relacionamos con la gestión que de manera pública y legal ha realizado Sinaltrainal para que el municipio e incluso le hemos solicitado a Nestlé y otras entidades que apoyen con recursos para disponer de maquinaria para dragar el cauce del río Bugalagrande, que se desbordó a la altura del Centro Recreacional Carlos Arturo Zamora que está al servicio de la comunidad y por existir el riesgo eminente desbordamiento del río a futuro y queremos evitar un desastre de enormes proporciones para toda la comunidad.

Se refieren a extranjeros ideólogos de la guerrilla, que relacionamos con las misiones internacionales que Sinaltrainal ha llevado al municipio de Bugalagrande para que sean testigos de la situación de los trabajadores de Nestlé y la comunidad del Valle del Cauca.

Pensamos que esta amenaza busca crear miedo, confusión, para desprestigiar el trabajo de Sinaltrainal y las organizaciones sociales, para seguir justificando la persecución que en el gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos se sigue profundizando, conjuntamente con la judicialización, los asesinatos, el destierro y el desmonte de los derechos de la población.

Exigimos del Gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos investigar y castigar a los responsables materiales e intelectuales de esta amenaza, proteger la vida e integridad de los afiliados de Sinaltrainal, de las familias y de los integrantes de las organizaciones que aparecen en la amenaza de muerte.

Junta Directiva Nacional de Sinaltrainal

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Enero 17 2011

comunicado 29


En el día de hoy, lunes 17 de enero de 2011, luego de 40 días de conversaciones, ha culminado la etapa de arreglo directo y su prorroga entre SINTRACARBÓN y la empresa CARBONES DEL CERREJÓN LIMITED, propiedad por partes iguales de las multinacionales BHP BILLITON, ANGLO AMERICAN y XSTRATA. Dichas conversaciones iniciaron el pasado 9 de diciembre de 2010, y a pesar de la excelente sustentación que hizo nuestra Comisión Negociadora durante todo ese tiempo, las partes no han llegado a acuerdo alguno, en ninguna de las cláusulas contentivas del pliego de peticiones. Acto seguido, se ha suscrito el acta respectiva con ese propósito de la cual se trasladará copia al Ministerio de la Protección Social.

Significa lo anterior, que a partir de este momento el sindicato dispone de 10 días hábiles para convocar a sus afiliados a que decidan por la declaratoria de la huelga o por la conformación de un tribunal de arbitramento. En el día de mañana, deberá ser emitida la resolución respectiva que tiene como fecha tentativa de iniciación de la votación el próximo 20 de enero de 2011.

En la sesión de hoy, nuestra Comisión Negociadora ha manifestado su rechazo a las maniobras de intromisión en los asuntos del sindicato por parte de la transnacional, la cual se concretó con el envío de comunicados personalizados a cada uno de los delegados de nuestra Asamblea Nacional, y con llamadas a sus teléfonos privados de parte de supervisores, superintendentes y jefes de división.

Los delegados de la administración en la mesa de negociaciones han manifestado que no tienen como política la firma de convenciones colectivas de trabajo a cinco años y, por lo mismo, dicen estar dispuestos a construir un acuerdo a dos años. No obstante, en la tarde de hoy no han presentado propuesta alguna.

Nuestro equipo negociador manifiesta públicamente su disposición al dialogo, condicionada a que la multinacional realice ofertas en línea con las expectativas legitimas que tiene la masa laboral del Cerrejón, incluidos los tercerizados, los pensionados y las comunidades desplazadas por la minería.

Seguimos orientando a nuestros afiliados, a todos los trabajadores, y a la comunidad nacional e internacional a estar atentos a las informaciones  y orientaciones que se deriven desde la Mesa de Negociaciones. Es indispensable, que estemos en estado de alerta y preparados para lo que ocurra con nuestro conflicto colectivo, más cerca de la huelga general en el CERREJÓN que a la firma de una convención colectiva de trabajo. ¡¡¡¡¡¡Si a la huelga nos llevan, a las huelga nos vamos..!!!!!!


¡Viva nuestro justo pliego de peticiones…!

¡Viva la Unidad, la Organización y la lucha de los trabajadores del Cerrejón!


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The Spectre / El Fantasma no. 1

here is the first edition of The Spectre

english version:

A4 spectre 1


Observatorio Internacional Contra las Políticas de las Multinacionales; Declaration of the People’s Solidarity Gathering & Commitments to Actions

SINALTRAINAL, Colombia; No Pardon, No Forgetting, Punishment for the Responsible

FETRAMIN, Chile; IPT Organise Inspections into Contractors  of Codelco Chile’s Andean Division

SINTRACARBON, Colombia; Formally Initiating Conversations Regarding the Collective Conflict at  El Cerrejón Mine

CFMEU – Construction & General Division, NSW, Australia; The ABCC – Its Time For It to be Abolished

EZLN, Chiapas, Mexico; 17 Years of Struggles… Building Autonomous Communities…

and Challenging Global Capital… & Request For Solidarity

Mapuche Communities in Resistance, Wellmapu (Chile); Vanesa Queipul is Currently Under Arrest & Being Tortured By Police

SINALTRAINAL, Colombia, Global Campaign Against SODEXO

Wayuu & Afro-Colombian Communites, & SINTRACARBON, Letter Regarding Testimony delivered at BHP-Billiton Shareholders meeting in Perth & Reportback From Meeting With BHP-Billiton, 29 November 2010

aquí está la primera edición de El Fantasma

versión en español:

A4 El Fantasma 1


Observatorio Internacional Contra las Políticas de las Multinacionales; Declaración: Encuentro de Solidaridad con los Pueblos del Mundo Nuestro compromiso a la unidad y acción

SINALTRAINAL, Colombia; Ni Perdón, Ni Olvido, Castigo Para los Responsables

FETRAMIN, Chile; Inspeccion Del Trabajo Fiscaliza Empresas Contratistas de codelco Chile Division Andina

SINTRACARBON, Colombia; Inician Formalmente Las Conversacionces Dentro Del Conflicto Colectivo en el Cerrejón

CFMEU – Construcción Y General de División, NSW, Australia; Es Tiempo para abolición el ABCC

EZLN, Chiapas, México; 17 Años de luchas … Construyendo Comunidades Autónomas …

y Desafiando Capital Mundial … Y En Solidaridad Y Apoyo Al EZLN, Las Comunidades Zapatistas Y La Otra Campaña De México

Comunidades mapuche en resistencia, Wellmapu (Chile); Vanesa Queipul Es Detenida Y Torturada Por Carabineros En Este Momento

SINALTRAINAL, Colombia; Campaña Global Contra SODEXO

comunidades afro-colombianas y Wayuu y SINTRACARBON; Testimonio Entregado Reunion De Accionistas En Perth Australia Y Reunión con BHP-Billiton

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The Spectre/El Fantasma

Monthly Newspaper of the International Co-ordination Against Multinational Policies (Observatorio Internacional Contra las Políticas de las Multinacionales).

About this publication

This new publication is one expression of the ongoing work now being undertaken following the ‘Latin American, Australian & Asia-Pacific Solidarity Gathering’ that took place in Melbourne and Sydney in November 2010.

Under the constant violence, exploitation and marginalisation imposed by global capitalism, we see building effective means of communication and the production of our own media as one effective means of struggle.  We aim to make our voices heard; to share our stories of struggle; to build international solidarity; to support all those under attack, underpaid, underfed and fed up with the systemic violence inherent in our everyday lives; and to work collaboratively towards achieving our goals of building free, dignified and just social relationships.

We welcome you to assist us in our endeavour.

Periódico Mensual del Observatorio Internacional Contra las Políticas de las Multinacionales (International Co-ordination Against Multinational Policies).


Esta nueva publicación es una expresión de las tareas resueltas durante el Encuentro de Solidaridad con las luchas y resistencias de los pueblos de ‘América Latina, Australia y Asia-Pacífico que tuvo lugar en Melbourne y Sydney – Australia, Organizado por la Red de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Latinoamericanos (LASNET)  en Noviembre del 2010.

Frente a la constante violencia, explotación y marginación impuesta por el capitalismo global, vemos importante y necesario la construcción y producción de medios de comunicación propios como una herramienta eficaz de lucha. Nuestro objetivo es hacer oír nuestras voces, para compartir nuestras historias de luchas y resistencias, construir la solidaridad internacional con los pueblos, apoyar a todos los desposeídos y marginados de los ataques represivos de los estados dominantes; de salarios de hambre; alimentación precaria y cansados de la violencia sistémica incrustada en nuestra vida cotidiana.  Y para trabajar unidos en colaboración y así aportar en alcanzar nuestros objetivos en la construcción del poder popular; de nuevas formas de relación en nuestras sociedades; donde seamos libres y dignos en un mundo social justo.

Les damos la bienvenida para que nos ayuden en este esfuerzo que es de todos.

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